Saturday, June 19, 2010

Food fight raises stink in Venezuela

On the web today:

Mountains of rotting food found at a government warehouse, soaring prices and soldiers raiding wholesalers accused of hoarding: Food supply is the latest battle in Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s socialist revolution.
And this:
As the local food movement grows, schoolyard gardens are becoming nearly as ubiquitous in Washington public schools as, well, standardized tests. So it only makes sense that some of the homegrown grub makes it on to the lunch line.
As well as:
Ashland The Board of Selectmen is holding a food drive today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the local Shaw’s and Market Basket supermarkets to benefit the town’s food pantry and emergency fund. The goal is to restock the pantry’s shelves for the remainder of the summer and into the fall; current needs include diapers, shampoo, tissues, condiments, juice, ... Food - Food bank - Supermarket - Board of ... original. jerrychud2erds viewpoint

Food fight raises stink in Venezuela

What Ive read today:

Mountains of rotting food found at a government warehouse, soaring prices and soldiers raiding wholesalers accused of hoarding: Food supply is the latest battle in Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s socialist revolution.
And this:
As the local food movement grows, schoolyard gardens are becoming nearly as ubiquitous in Washington public schools as, well, standardized tests. So it only makes sense that some of the homegrown grub makes it on to the lunch line.
As well as:
Ashland The Board of Selectmen is holding a food drive today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the local Shaw’s and Market Basket supermarkets to benefit the town’s food pantry and emergency fund. The goal is to restock the pantry’s shelves for the remainder of the summer and into the fall; current needs include diapers, shampoo, tissues, condiments, juice, ... Food - Food bank - Supermarket - Board of ... original. Site of ochudref

CSS Alabama cannon to be centerpiece of new gallery opening this summer

What Ive read today:

MOBILE, Ala. -- One of the guns of the Confederate raider CSS Alabama has been delivered to The Museum of Mobile and will become the centerpiece in the 700-square-foot exhibit gallery set to open later this summer, museum officials announced.
And this:
BANGALORE: CSS Corp., provider of technology solutions, today announced the acquisition of Aliquo Solutions Limited of the UK, a niche IT consulting firm focused on IT transformation.
As well as:
CSS Corp., a global provider of technology solutions, today announced the acquisition of Aliquo Solutions Limited of the UK, a niche IT consulting firm focused on IT transformation. original. askaashok

Friday, June 18, 2010

Books to share


Developing a passion for reading is impossible without books. Developing a library suitable for any community can prove to be a costly affair. Tate Publishing, through Bobby Nichols, donated almost 500 books to various organizations throughout Stephens County.
And this:
Free books will be given away during a family reading event planned for 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Friday a original. freeypilchukrs Choices

Heres to wishing everyone a happy weekend - almost here

Im in the kitchen. Just me, myself and I. Getting ready to go out later tonight . . . Its going to be a good time. How long can this go on?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Open Source Magento Extension Handling with

Todays top site:

The new open source project provides free tools bringing the so-called channel functionality to Magento.
And this:
$description2$ original. ergadoondos blog

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